I have always been a yoga enthusiast, but especially recently, my inner yogi has definitely shown. Every night I plug in my star projector, turn the lights off, and my flow is on. It is the best way to end my day. And, I have seen an impact in my physical body and health as well. Not only do I love my nightly yoga flows, I also do Yoga Sculpt (keep reading to learn more) workouts in the morning twice a week! I am obsessed. Yoga is a way for me to breathe, keep my heart happy, and body moving. 

Yoga origins can be traced back over 5,000 years ago. It started in Northern India as a part of their rituals, which was used by Brahmans (their priest). Sage Maharshi Patanjali finalized and discovered the meaning of yoga and it’s knowledge, making him the founder. The original purpose of yoga was to spiritually train the body and mind to be better aware of yourself and your own nature. Building self strength is another huge principle of yoga practices. 

Yoga is an amazing form of exercise not only to keep you physically healthy, but also mentally.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Improves strength, balance, and flexibility
  • Increase blood flow and warms up muscles
  • Aid in fat loss and develop muscle tone
  • Relieves back pain
  • Eases arthritis symptoms
  • Boosts heart health
  • Increase relaxation and better sleep
  • Manages stress 
  • Gives you more energy and puts you in brighter moods

Peak yoga poses are very symbolic. Postures get their meanings from animals, nature, and stories. (My favorite yoga pose names include: crow pose – Kakasana, big toe pose – Padangusthasana, and eagle pose – Garudasana) Many yoga poses have meanings beyond the simplicity of their words. Some poses also represent strength (Warrior pose), and some submission (Child’s pose).  

A Few Different Types of Yoga

Yoga Sculpt: A full body workout that adds hand weights, cardio bursts, and high-intensity exercises to your flow, ultimately getting your heart pumping and fat burning. In a YS class, you will sweat and burn calories, so be prepared to feel good!  

Hot Power Fusion (HPF): Both calming and challenging, HPF classes push you to your strength and balance limits. Just as the name may suggest, this is a combination of a power vinyasa and hot yoga class. 

Core Restore: Focuses on stretching and breathing, making these classes very beginner friendly 

All of these different types of yoga classes and more can be found at CorePower Yoga. There are some free classes posted on their Instagram accounts (@corepoweryogawv or @corepoweryogasb), as well as a few trial classes on https://www.corepoweryogaondemand.com. Also, use your access to the internet wisely— simply search for some yoga flows on YouTube and you will have plenty to choose from! 

From the class I took this morning, my virtual teacher asked us to fill in the blank: I am ________ Setting intentions, no matter what yoga class you are taking, it very empowering! So, I now pass this prompt on to you. Maybe you use this to power you through the rest of your day. Or to share with your family. Or to ponder while falling asleep tonight. Not just today, but everyday, always remember to come back to you. 

I am ______________  

(EX. strong, beautiful, powerful, enough, ready, worthy of love) 


(“I bow to you”)

A Sanskrit phrase recited at the end of a yoga practice. 

Place your hands together at your heart center. Close your eyes. And bow.