Trees, trees, trees!

Appreciate them as they add to earth’s natural beauty all around us and continue to benefit our health and our environment.  

Why Do We Need Trees?

  1. Provide oxygen 
  2. Improve air quality
  3. Control climate change 
  4. Conserve water
  5. Perserve soil
  6. Support wildlife 

The oxygen we breathe is produced when trees take in carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis. Without oxygen, we can not live, so we have to save trees. 

How To Save Trees?

  1. Use paper wisely.  
  2. Reuse, borrow, and share books.
  3. Plant a tree.

Trees help in reducing air pollution. 

Trees provide shade to cool our bodies, homes, and streets.

Trees are important. Trees are beautiful.  

My favorite book is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Give it a read!