Happy Sunday! Are you ready for your week? It is time to prioritize yourself. Sundays are a great time of the week to reset and reboot. And to just treat yourself!

A self-care day is an opportunity for you to work on your healthy lifestyle. Self-care can include all things that you do to take care of your well-being. It helps maintain a healthy relationship with your body, while allowing you to be mindful of your needs. With this, you will be able to better support yourself and others around you. 

There are many different forms of self-care: emotional, physical, mental, social, spiritual, practical, and professional. 

Emotional Self-Care is based on our emotions, feelings, and the way we connect with ourselves. 

Physical Self-Care refers to any activities you do to enhance your physical shape. 

Mental Self-Care includes anything you do that focuses on your mind.

Social Self-Care means better connecting with others.

Spiritual Self-Care encourages us to engage and connect with our souls.

Practical Self-Care are any actions that are considered to reduce stress.

Professional Self-Care guides us to act in ways that support our career and work life. 

10 simple ideas for YOU to take care of YOUrself. 

  • Brunch with a friend (Social)
  • Go on a hike and spend more time outside (Physical)
  • Create your own at home spa (face mask, do your nails, deep condition your hair, take a bath with a candle, burn incense) (Physical)
  • Sleep in (Physical)
  • Limit your screen time/turn your phone on Do Not Disturb or read a book (Mental or Professional)
  • Start a project, get creative, or work on your hobby. (Physical or Mental)
  • Create a list of goals for the week (Spiritual or Professional)
  • Do yoga or a meditation (Emotional or Physical or Spiritual)
  • Cleaning and reorganizing your workspace for the week (Practical)
  • Journaling (Emotional)

The best self-care tip is just to do something that YOU love!

Stop! Before you go, check-in. How are YOU going to practice self-care?

(Taken from another source) Feel free to comment your emoji below!