The weather is beginning to drop and the sun will soon be tucked away. As the clouds roll in and water droplets start to pour down the air becomes more pure. Although rainy weather is not my personal favorite (since everything is wet and cold), the rain is amazing for our environment, our bodies, and even our minds. Take a look at the main different ways rain contributes to the positivity in the world. 

Physical Health Benefits of Being Out in the Rain

  • The air is cleaner.
  • When working out in the rain, you build more muscle and burn more calories.
  • Running in the rain can improve and increase your performance and metabolism. (But, be careful)
  • The cold weather is great for your skin. There is less to worry about pimples because the air keeps your skin fresh. 

Mental Health Benefits of Being Out in the Rain

  • The rain releases stress relieving chemicals from your body.
  • The smell of rain has a very calming effect.

Environmental Health Benefits of Rain

  • Helps the plants and soil 
  • Provides more water resources for drought situations
  • The best source of fresh water and a clean habitat for plants, animals and other living organisms out in nature
  • Rainwater creates a natural source of nitrogen which keeps our plants growing green and strong

On the other hand… 

Negative Effects That Come With Rain

  • Can lead to many hazards, such as flooding, landslides, destruction, and damage. 
  • Rainwater can cause soil erosion. (this is concerning for many farms and land where crops may grow, as the top soil can be washed away.)
  • Too much water can weaken structures, such as bridges or roads.
  • Makes driving very dangerous- this is why it is extremely important to drive carefully when it is raining, as well as after the rain passes. Car tires loose traction, and the wet roads mix with dirt and oils making everything slippery. When it is raining, take caution and be extra safe. 
  • For some, rainy days create anxiety. Mood changes are also very common such as, sadness, depression and lower self-esteem. Scientifically, “The rainy weather can lead to a spike in melatonin making you feel drowsy.” 
  • Leads to a lack of physical activities- many people tend to stay inside and loose motivation to be active. 

Rain can be a sign of good luck! 🌧

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