‘Tis the season to try some holiday flavors! Peppermint herbal tea is a new obsession of mine. It makes me feel warm and gets me in the holiday cheer. And it comes with benefits too!

Benefits of Peppermint:

  • Better digestion 
  • Helps with headaches 
  • Fresh breath
  • Natural calorie 
  • Antibacterial 
  • Aids with feelings of anxiety 
  • Relaxes muscle and nerve pains
  • Caffeine free too!

I have been using the Peppermint Herbal Tea from Trader Joe’s.

Peppermint is a type of mint plant that is a mix between watermint and spearmint. After originating in Europe and the Middle East, it is now grown across the world. 

However, too much peppermint tea can have some side effects when consumed in large amounts. So, stick to the typical 2-3 cups a day.  

Peppermint tea and its calming effects are a great way to head into this holiday season. Find the joy in little things— Fill a mug with hot peppermint tea, sit by the cozy fire, and spend time with your loved ones. 

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