Running does not have to be your thing. Lifting weights does not have to be your thing. Sports do not have to be your thing. But, it is important that you find your thing and when you discover it, working out and staying in shape will be enjoyable. It takes time to find what will work for you.

Tips To Get You Started If You Need Guidance & a Boost:

There are no rules that say you have to workout 7 days a week or 3 hours per day. And sometimes working out too much is not good for you. Over exercising can exhaust your body and brain by leading to injuries, and damaging your heart and arteries (both serious consequences). So, stay focused and be aware of the amount of exercise that works for you. Do your best, but not past your limits. 

Create a schedule. Planning ahead will keep you on track and motivate you to achieve your goals. This does not necessarily mean do the same exact workout Mondays through Fridays. Instead, try something like: Monday Morning Walks, Wednesday Runs, Friday Yoga Flows. You can even change it up every week. Again, it’s all about finding what you works for you and with an easy schedule to follow, it will set a steady pace. 

When in search for ways to workout, try new things. Each exercise works, tones, and moves different parts of your body. Maybe somedays you feel the need to fire up your abs or legs or arms. It all varies for what areas you want to strengthen. 

Set goals. This is super important to keep you engaged with your workout plan. Give yourself something to work toward and keep pushing yourself to see the results you have worked so hard for. 

Finding a workout buddy is more appealing to some people. When working out with a friend, family member, or teammate, it is more motivating to do your best while being held accountable. Personally, it depends on what I am doing; I prefer to run on my own, but I love doing yoga with my mom!

Put a smile on and have fun. A positive attitude and open mindset will improve how your workouts make you feel, as well as the results you get in return. Put your shoes on knowing you will do your best, step on your mat ready to sweat, and prepare to become a stronger, healthier, and happier person. 

Workout Ideas

Methods for staying in shape vary for everyone. Body types are different; routines are different; interest are different. Don’t give up or get down on yourself for struggling with the little things. Here is a range of different workout types, activities, and methods that may work for you:

  • Walking, Jogging, Running
  • Yoga
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
  • Dance Workouts
  • Cardio Kickboxing
  • Ab Blasts
  • Full Body
  • Weight Lifting
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Pilates 
  • Hiking 
  • Sports
  • Jump Rope
  • Surfing

My Favorite Weekly Workout Plan To Abide By:

Monday: Cardio Kickboxing

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday: Run/Jog

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt

Friday: Run/Jog

Saturday & Sunday: weekends I try to do something active while giving my body some rest. Recently I have been loving to go on walks, bike rides, or hikes.   

Connect with your inner strength. Discover your passion. Love your shape. Find your motivation.