Research has proven that as Coronavirus continues to spread and take over, the mental health of ordinary people has been impacted. Experts have warned that a mental-health problem wave is approaching. Due to the stay at home orders, people have been forced to feel trapped, and isolated. Not only physically inside their homes but also mentally inside their own bodies. With little to no social interactions, thoughts and feelings of these people have no where to go except inside their heads, causing build up of emotions. Social isolation has greatly increased the risks of mental health issues. 

In a recent poll, “nearly half (45%) of adults in the United States reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the virus”

The necessary precautions that need to be taken in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 has exposed thousands of people worldwide to experience situations that are linked to poor mental health, such as job loss. The unemployment rate skyrocketed while businesses were being forced to shut down. Recently, depression, distress, low self-esteem, worry, and fear have been frequent feelings among our population. 

During the peak of Coronavirus in China, it was reported that 45% were depressed and 34% suffer insomnia. 

Assess How You Feel & Back Up a Little

It is so important that we check in on ourselves. Ask yourself: How am I feeling? The goal in acknowledging how you feel is to accept your emotions. 

Focus on the positive and ask yourself: What was the highlight of my day? What am I looking forward to tomorrow? Recognize thoughts in the present and be grateful for each moment. 

Contacts for Mental Health Support from the CDC:

More from the CDC:

2 thoughts on “Mental Health & COVID-19

  1. Skylar, you are covering so many good points here. Times are crazy and having to stay home does put pressure on most people…thanks for thinks about us all

  2. Well-rounded topics! I appreciate your research on important current events. Love your blog, keep it up! xxoo

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