Harrison is a nutrition and kinesiology student, as well as a passionate student athlete. He recently has taken courses within the health and wellness field, where he has newly discovered this interest. 

When talking with Harrison, we learn how he has applied his knowledge about nutrition and the study of the body to his personal life. Let’s find out more about Harrison’s story and what insight he has to share. 

How did you discover an interest in the nutrition and body health field? How has this experience changed your life and overall health?

“I discovered this new passion because as a student athlete, I really want to be able to take care of my body.” Harrison explained that especially during the pandemic, he has gained motivation to learn the right way to handle, maintain, and nourish a healthy body. He continued to say that, “This experience has opened my eyes to all the unknown aspects to health and wellness. My overall health has greatly benefited from my nutrition and recent study experiences. I have a better outlook on a healthy and happy lifestyle. My new interest in health and wellness has greatly impacted my life for the better now and in the future.” 

What is your favorite part about being a nutrition and kinesiology student?

“I love the idea of learning more about the human body.” Harrison really enjoys how relevant and beneficial learning about health and wellness has been. During the pandemic, Harrison has a new level of awareness for his health and others around him. Harrison also hopes that studying in these fields will help guide him and his career in the future. “I feel fortunate enough to have the opportunity to explore this field. I feel that by educating myself, I will be able to help others make life changing decisions too.”

How have you connected your new knowledge about health and wellness to your life as a student athlete?

“I have used the concepts I have learned to better understand how to keep my body healthy– on and off my time playing physical sports and activities. As a student athlete I am constantly on the go: from football to soccer to golf to surfing. My body is always moving. With a new understanding, I have been better able to care for my own health— not only physically, but also mentally. I have learned to slow down which has positively affected the way I treat myself. Now, it is super important to me to fuel my body by making the right choices.” Harrison has successfully been able to improve the balance of all aspects of his body.

What is your favorite healthy snack we might always find on your desk?

Harrison loves raw almonds! He stated that they are a good source of protein, as he learned from his nutrition course, and are very convenient as he can just grab a handful (8-12) and go.  “I highly recommend trying them. They are a quick and easy snack to enjoy.” Almonds are packed with healthy fats and nutrients that aid in lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

What advice would you recommend to someone who has lost their motivation?

“You can’t take one big leap at a time; things don’t happen over night. Little by little you will start to see results. You need patience to trust the process, and a routine to stick by will also be very beneficial to help you become more aware of your body. You must believe in this process and your health will begin to thrive. I have made a routine myself and although it might seem like it takes forever, results will come.” Harrison’s words of wisdom.  

Harrison’s helpful tips have given us a new perspective on how he values health and wellness. Use some of his beneficial advice and understandings to help lead you to making healthy lifestyle choices too.

1 thought on “Meet: Harrison, Nutrition Student and Student Athlete

  1. This is fantastic!! Go Harrison and what a wonderful role model you are, Skylar, bringing this awareness to the people you love and all of your subscribers 💗

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