Change is good. Change is scary. 

Why is change so important in life?

Whether changes may seem good or bad, they teach you something new. Change is the best way to learn and work with your inner self. When facing external or internal changes, they all will give you the chance to grow: driving to push through, becoming more adaptable, and working on new skills. Change can shape experiences that impact you for your entire life. 

Think of change as something positive.

Habits, ways of life, values, self-respect, environment, influences, etc. Change is the best way to learn and try new things: new hobbies, new people, new roles, new situations. Change allows us to become more flexible, and it gives an opportunity to develop. 

Change comes with many hard transitions. Switching jobs, moving away, going to college, or even health choices (a recent big adjustment in everyones life due to COVID-19)… Change is common; and change is necessary. Although at times change may be uncomfortable or inconvenient, we must keep in mind it is good for us. Good for our minds to learn how to handle these situations. For some, change may create anxiety or depression. But, in the long run, finding the right techniques to deal with change will greatly benefit your mental health.  

I like change. For me, change is a way to become a stronger person. I take what I learn from changes in my life, to help me be the person I want to become. I am always seeking new challenges to overcome and adventures to live out, which means I have to constantly “roll with the punches.” Finding new ways to go about life is exciting. 

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