There is so much you can do with an avocado! This nutrient filled nut can be spiced up to make many delicious, healthy, and colorful snacks!

Avocados! Avocados! Avocados! Where do I even start. By far, one of my favorite foods, not to mention my favorite color is green. I could eat an avocado raw— literally out of the peel— or as a topping or as a side dish. Avocado toast, guacamole, salads, muffins— I could go on.  Avocados are a perfect healthy snack to add to your list.

This whole avocado gives an idea of the typical shape. Photo by me.

Benefits of Avocados

  • Source of potassium and fiber
  • Contains healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals
  • Benefits gut health
  • Can assist in keeping heart diseases away
  • A strong antioxidant
You can see the browns and dark greens of an avocado in the detailed ridges and texture. Picture by me.

Basics of an Avocado

  • Hold the avocado in one hand and knife in the other
  • Insert the knife towards the center/pit. Gently move the knife around the avocado to cut two sides
  • Twist both halves and split the avocado in two
  • Dispose the pit
  • You’re good to go! The avocado is all yours.

Family Guacamole Recipe

Ingredients: avocados, cilantro, red onion, lime, salt and pepper

(These ingredients make master guacamole. Depending on your portion size will depend on the amount of these ingredients. Use your personal preferences to match your likings.)

And as my brother would say, “Mash it all together.”

Slicing open an avocado allows you to see the pit, and the greens of the nut. Photo by me.

But wait… There’s more!

As a college student it is a challenge to find ways to incorporate avocados into my diet. But when I do, it makes my day. When I am at home I make avocado toast weekly; or smoothies with avocados; or top my salad with avocado chucks whenever I can.

Here on campus, it’s a little different. But the avocado toast isn’t too shabby. 

Avocado toast from a local campus spot with sprouts, sunflower seeds, and lemon juice toppings, make for a delicious post-class snack. Photo by me.

Bravo if you eat avocado!